Talk radio hosts are primarily sales men and women. After I have heard the same commercial several times, I just want to scream, "Enough!" When the commercials come on, I immediately switch stations. Usually it is a matter of seconds before that station begins playing its commercials. Tonight I did the unthinkable: I hit the FM band and listened to NPR! Instead of Trump v. Cruz, I got all caught up on Bernie v. Hillary. I actually listened for quite a while. There was an interview on "Fresh Air" with an interesting guy who has written a book about how many miles of transportation are involved in things we use every day, such as cell phones and all their parts.
Government funded programming has the advantage of much less air time devoted to commercials. Unfortunately, the programming is biased to the left. On the weekends I listen to Garrison Keeler's Lake Wobegon show. I know he is very far left, but he has some very talented performers. Leftists have not been able to survive anywhere else on radio except on government funded NPR. All other talk radio is dominated by people on the right. Too bad they always have to be selling us something.
NPR is selling an agenda.