Monday, April 11, 2016

Racist, or just a crime against comedy?

John Sexton of Hot Air posts this video of Hillary Clinton and Bill DeBlasio joking about CPT (Colored People's Time), DeBlasio's explanation for why it took so long for him to endorse Clinton.

Sexton writes,
But let’s face it, no Republican presidential candidate who dared to perform a skit based on a racial stereotype about black people would be allowed to live it down. If Trump or Cruz had tried this, CNN would run the clip on a loop and either Don Lemon or Anderson Cooper would be asking in very serious tones if such humor was still appropriate in 2016. The media’s rules, as ever, are just different for Democrats.

Finally, one has to assume this skit was set up to make Hillary look loose and spontaneous, but to no avail. She continues to look awkward and stiff (the disco Dr. Evil outfit doesn’t help). Clinton’s one saving grace here may be that Bill De Blasio’s comedic timing is even worse than her own. If nothing else this little skit should be denounced as a crime against comedy.
Read more here.

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