Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Hillary versus Trump?

John Podhoretz suggest we resign ourselves to his depressing reality: It's going to be Trump v. Clinton this fall. Speaking of yesterday's New York primary, Podhoretz writes in the New York Post,
It’s a glorious night for Trumpkins for the same reason it’s a sobering night for those of us who believe a Trump nomination would be disastrous for the party and the country.

...John Kasich beat Cruz here. Now, Kasich may be a better fit for New York than the very conservative Texan — indeed, Kasich won in Manhattan — but that wouldn’t have happened if Cruz had come even remotely close to making the sale with Republicans who don’t want Trump to be the nominee.

And there are a lot of them here in New York.

Cruz is running a tight, disciplined campaign focused on maximizing his delegate count through mastery of the rules governing delegates at the state level. But he’s running a mediocre campaign when it comes to winning over masses of voters.

Cruz is now saying it is not about choosing a presidential candidate. It is about each of us making a choice: will we continue to live in the past with what we know no longer works, or will we move forward to a new and better place?

However, Podhoretz has a warning for Cruz:
He (and Kasich) may succeed in denying Trump the 1,237 delegates needed to secure a first-ballot victory at the convention in Cleveland. But the idea Cruz can take the nomination away from Trump on the second ballot at the convention if the Texan ends this primary season with a string of defeats flies in the face of everything we know about politics and political psychology.

The more Cruz loses, the more he will look like a loser. He’d better start winning, or he won’t have a case to make, and those private assurances he has of support on the second ballot will remain private and will cease being assured.
Read more here.

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