Friday, April 08, 2016

Four reasons to rejoice if Cruz wins the GOP nomination

T. Elliot Gaiser writes in PJ Media,
If Cruz wrests the nomination from Trump with a renewed message of unity and opportunity, the party as a whole should rejoice and celebrate. Indeed, there are four reasons the party should be dancing inside at the prospect, because Cruz defeating Trump represents:
1. The Fresh Defeating the Stale
Cruz is the single best embodiment of the future of the Republican Party. At 45 years old, he rose to national prominence after the Obama Machine had its way massacring the old guard of the GOP.

The upshot is that Cruz’s GOP is not your grandfather’s GOP. As Ben Domenech has argued, Cruz responds to the Bush years not by prescribing the same general big-government message with a different messenger, but rather a new message altogether. He has made a clean break with the nation-building foreign policy of the neo-conservatives. In his first public office at the Federal Trade Commission, he was a consensus-builder dedicated to opening up technology markets to e-commerce and greater innovation. He is the preferred candidate of millenials. Cruz represents a fresh start for conservatives.

2. Principle Defeating Personality would be conservative principle defeating personal celebrity-driven pragmatism. Cruz is the single most principled, coherent voice for constitutionalism and sober realism.

3. Serious Policy Defeating Knee-Jerk Emotions
Cruz is one of the best policy minds to run for president this entire cycle, while Trump has not bothered to even learn the basics. Cruz can detail the names and complex relationships between conflicting groups in the Middle East, explain the fundamental economic problems behind ObamaCare, and articulate the constitutional boundaries for social issues.

Meanwhile, Trump’s quintuple axle on abortion illustrates that he has never bothered to think through core conservative convictions. The point that Trump does not understand policy has been made so many times, it’s become cliché. But if the GOP picks Cruz over Trump, it will be saying our party values attention to the complexities and details of implementing a conservative policy agenda.

4. Discipline Defeating Shooting-From-the-Hip
Cruz is nothing if not incredibly disciplined. He memorized the Constitution in high school, worked his way through Princeton, and graduated at the top of his class from Harvard Law – all without any family name or money to ease his ascent. His discipline shows in his campaign style: relentless commitment to a principled message, intensive grassroots organization, data-driven tech-savvy, and incredibly creative advertising (see his viral Office Space parody of Clinton’s email scandal). This should give Republicans hope for the general: We will face the Democrats with a campaign up to the task of beating her. Hard work and organization is a refreshing counter-narrative for the chaotic characterization of Tea Party conservatives.

Trump and the concept of discipline have never come within miles of each other. His campaign is a disorganized mess, unaware of the rules, and constantly bogged down by scandals of his own creation. Trump sows the wind, and come November, he will reap the whirlwind.

For these four reasons, Republicans (and the rest of the country) should rejoice about the prospect of not only defeating Trump, but choosing Cruz as the candidate to do it.
Read more here.

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