I've been amazed at the people who asked for my vote on Friday as a delegate to an assembly and then start trashing the process and the people who participate in it the next day. It is classless when, on Friday and Saturday people participate in the assembly, smile and ask for delegates votes then, on Sunday, after they didn't win, claim that it was rigged and in some cases attack the intelligence or character of the very delegates they tried to woo the day before.
A debate about whether or not we should have a primary or caucus in Colorado is legitimate but whining because you were out-organized the day before and didn't win simply takes your credibility away. Colorado has elected delegates to the national convention through its assembly process for decades. That process has not changed except for removing a meaningless, non-binding straw poll at the caucus - oh and now we have whining candidates that claim to be victims because that's the new thing in America.
If you don't like the caucus process, then work to change the system to a primary but attacking those good citizens who do their duty and show up and participate in the process is not only unseemly, it is un-American. If you want more support for you or your candidate, then do what a good American would do - go get more like-minded people to participate in the process.
Another grassroots activist, Kristina Cook, adds,
How many times today have I been told that people don't have the time or money to get involved in the process like I do.
What money? What time? I have a full time CPA practice and I am also a volunteer full time state director for a major issue. I don't *have* the time. I *make* the time. It is a priority for me. This is not something I do in my copious spare time just to fill up my life. I have no spare time. I go weeks without doing laundry sometimes. I have enough time to cook dinner maybe - *maybe* - once every two weeks.
If it's not a priority for those who love liberty, then we are already lost and I should start investing in precious metals, including lead. I am not trying to be holier than thou - really, I'm not. But 2 hours out of every 2 years to attend a caucus - one that we know many months ahead of time when it will be - is not too much to ask for for saving the country. Sorry I'm so passionate about this, but I am FURIOUS with those people who want to do drive-by politics. If you did not participate in the caucus - IT'S BECAUSE IT WASN'T IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO YOU TO DO SO.
Do NOT sacrifice the voice of the grassroots in order to accommodate your lack of enthusiasm and motivation. I beg you.
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