...if you listen to Trump’s answers to almost any question about how he will fix a problem, he uses up the first 95 percent of his time explaining, re-explaining and demagoguing about how bad the problem is. (That is, if he’s not talking about polls.) Then in the last few seconds, he says we’ll fix the problem by being really smart or by winning or by hiring the best people.
In other words, he has no idea how to fix it.
Before Trump gelded him, or before he went to sleep and awoke from his husk with a strange, new, Renfield-like respect for his master, Chris Christie was very good at pointing out how Trump can’t explain how he will do anything. Now no one seems to care.
What I can’t get my head around is how other people can listen to this stuff and hear something substantive or serious. I truly don’t understand it. Or maybe I do understand it, and I just don’t want to because I don’t like what it might say about a lot of people I respect.
Here are some of Jonah's reasons for believing Trump is disqualified to serve as president:
- Trump said it doesn’t matter what the media writes about you “as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.”Read more here.
- Trump boasted that his ordeal of avoiding the clap while sleeping around so much amounted to his own “personal Vietnam.”
- He said that John McCain’s ordeal avoiding dying at the hands of his torturers wasn’t heroic.
- As for everyone else’s Vietnam, Trump got out of that by claiming to have a medical condition that instantly healed when hostilities ended.
- He bragged -- in print! -- about bedding married women and has admitted to cheating on at least two of his wives.
- He boasted that he “whines until I win.”
- He’s condemned Charles Krauthammer, George Will, and many other friends of Bill’s (including yours truly) with far, far more vitriol than he condemns Vladimir Putin, the butchers of Tiananmen, and David Duke.
-The man is so lacking in moral clarity that he dismissed Vladimir Putin’s murdering of journalists by saying, “I think our country does plenty of killing also.”
- This is a man who expresses a passionate desire to change the First Amendment so he can punish journalists who don’t kowtow to him.
- This is a man who praised the mass murder at Tiananmen and criticized Gorbachev for not being as tough-minded.
- This is a man who says he “reads the Bible more than anybody” but can’t -- after months of opportunities -- speak intelligently about it for 30 seconds.
- This is a man who, by any objective measure, lies nearly as much as Bill Clinton but with a tenth of the skill.
- He lacks the patriotic seriousness to do minimal homework, even when his ignorance has been pointed out time and again. (Bill’s colleague Hugh Hewitt asked Trump about the nuclear triad in August. Several months later, when the question came up again Trump was, if anything, more ignorant.)
- This is a man whose business dealings have been shot through with shady practices, mob ties, and fraudulent claims (also known as “lies”).
- This is a man with a totally thumbless grasp of what the Constitution is about or what conservatism is (“Conservatism means,” according to Trump, “to conserve our money”).
- This is a man who boasted for months that he will torture our enemies and indiscriminately murder their children as a matter of policy.
- This is a man who says that the last Republican president deliberately lied us into war and plays coy about whether 9/11 was an inside job.
...I truly fear that this is an existential crisis for the conservative movement I’ve known my whole life. And all I can do is say what I believe. If Donald Trump is elected president, I sincerely and passionately hope I will be proven wrong about all of this. But I just as sincerely and passionately believe I won’t be.
I think I can get my head around the reasons people don't want trump. I figured him to be an ass in so many ways. But we've had a lot of them as President. So, you won't get much in the way of defense of Trump on his bad stuff but, doggone, the sucker is sure racking up the votes, and it's not coming from those I thought were the low information voters. So what's the reason. I know, people are totally disgusted with everything Establishment, everything HIL-LIAR-Y and Bernie, and can't see many ways to keep the latter two out unless we've got someone willing to go head to head with them.
ReplyDeleteAs I've said so often, I much prefer Cruz. That would be my greatest desire for the coming election is to see Cruz beat HIL-LIAR-Y in the General Election. Will I be that happy if Trump can beat her. That will set easier on my stomach. I wanted Jebbie out of the way, and I consider Trump superior to him for the office as NOTHING WILL Change if we got a total RINO in there. Trump is probably a throw of the dice, but a lot of pretty savvy folks are throwing in with him. Those who are not seem to be the total RINOs. I will vote the Party, I will hold my nose if necessary. I do not want HIL-LIAR-Y or Bernie, so I will not vote 3rd Party. Further, If Trump gets the nomination, I will politic just as hard for him as I would for Cruz or Rubio. Is that unprincipled of me? I hope not. MY BOTTOM LINES ARE MILITARY AND SCOTUS. I figure we have a better chance of a workable CIC and better chance of a couple of "more acceptable--if not perfect" SCOTUS nominations with Trump or Cruz than HIL-LIAR-Y or Bernie. My position has not changed one whit on any of this from the git-go.
What would I most like? To see Rubio and Kasich both bow out immediately and throw their support to Cruz. But that "ain't gonna happen" too soon. They, in my opinion will guts it out through Florida and Ohio, come heck or high water. And that is their perfect right.
I've tried to look for an "On The Other Hand," and I find none. I love Fiddler on the Roof because of that portion of the story where Reptavia is looking for an "on the other hand." and finally declares, "There is no 'on the other hand.'"
I don't think there is one highly sophisticated thought process, or intellectual approach, or any marvelous wisdom reflected in one word I've said above, Bob. Wish there were, but there are times when I just have to take the road that's laid out. I do't see a high road for Republicans, as I don't think sitting it out at home or voting 3rd party are remotely honorable reactions. I want to stop HIL-LIAR-Y and Bernie. If I can do that, at least we get a chance with the unknown. I do not believe Trump could possible be worse than either of them, so I'll take the chance, if necessary, that he just might be a bit better.