Thursday, March 10, 2016

On being strong and making deals

I thought all the non-Trump candidates had good nights tonight. I hope Rubio wins Florida Tuesday. I hope Kasich wins Ohio Tuesday.

Donald Trump wants our government to be strong like China's was in putting down the freedom protests in Tiananmen Square in 1976. If you don't know about Tiananmen Square, please Google it.

Trump has raised 27.4 million dollars. He has spent 25 million. He has 1.6 million on hand. He has loaned his campaign 17 million. $7,497,000 in contributions from other people have been received. "I am self-funding." Not true!

Trump's campaign manager denies that he roughed up a female Breitbart reporter. Ya gotta be strong, don't ya know?

Not all businesses play the crony capitalism game Trump admits he has always played.

But don't worry, Trump will make great deals.

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