Thursday, March 03, 2016

A response to Romney

My friend Curt Dale had this response to Romney's speech today:
I listened to Mitt Romney scathing attempt, today, to stop Donald Trump from getting the Republican nomination for President. Though I'm still liking Cruz best, I find myself totally embarrassed by Romney's speech for various reasons.

I felt he was totally disingenuous in how he has turned on Trump after he had so vehemently praised Trump as he received "The Donald's" endorsement just 4 years ago. Today he went back so far into Trump's history that he surely would have known all this stuff existed way back then, if true, and would not have been so efflusive in accepting that endorsement. I am embarrassed that I found myself supporting Romney back then, but who has now shown himself willing to stand before the American People at this late date and attempt to torpedo Trump who appears well on his way toward the nomination. I see it as Romney's attempt to retain some modicum of leadership that he "feels" is the responsibility of himself and John McCain, both off whom lost their elections due to therr lack of tenacity and vigor in going after the Obama.

Now, he (and McCain) are blistering Trump for doing exactly what they should have done to win their elections--and that is to come out with all guns firing, no holds barred, root hog or die. But McCain hogtied Sarah Palin and wouldn't let her do her job of destroying Obama at the outset while he blithered and waved his arms in despair. Then, Romney was so politically correct, so sensitive, so unaggresive in his treatment of Obama that he lost in a most awful landslide. Had Romney used the same Trump like venom, firey speech, bluster and willingness tro call names and raise accusations against Obama--which would have been true accusations--as he was to try to destroy Trump today, Romney would now be running for his second term.

Instead, Romney is now helping The GOP RINO Establishment of Beltway Buckaneers attack the front runner of the Republican Party and doing all he can to put Hillary in the Whitehouse.

Finally, I am sad that Romney chose to make this speech at the Hinckley Institute, University of Utah. I identify the name of Hinckley with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, as President Gordon B. Hinckley was such a marvelous Prophet for so many years. Yes, I'm a staunch Mormon. I did not like seeing that name behind Romney in this speech that I firmly believe was deliberately constructed with a broad smattering of half truths and cesspool summations by Romney and his RINO chohorts in the Establishment.

Yes, I'm angry at the Establishment for it's ineptitude and detachment from reality. I may not be Trumps biggestr supporter, but at the moment, I hold him in far higher esteem than Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan,John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Haley Barber, Orrin Hatch,, and the long list of RINOs, and certainlyh Mitt Romney. A dispicable speech, Mitt. I predict you have helped Trump far more than you hurt him, and you probablyjust doomed the candidacies of Cruz and Rubio.
Colonel Curtis D. Dale, PhD,USAF (Ret)
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