By Curt Dale
Peoplel People! Identify the "enemy!" I'm wishin' I could bat slap a lot of Republicans, who should know better, but are doing far more damage to the viable candidates running in the Republican Primaries and Caucuses they they are doing to HIL-LIAR-Y and Bernie. Am I thrilled with the GOP pretenders to the throne? Not until I compare them to the Democrats--HIL-LIAR-Y and Bernie! Then I see them all in a very different light.
Why don't we stand down from beating our own candidates to death in the Primaries and start, right now, bashing HIL-LIAR-Y with her own baggage: Benghazi Treason, Bill's zipper, Whitewater Gate, Libya, Syria, EMAIL TREASON, The Clinton Foundation scams, and scores of other travesties that are important.
But, NO! Here we are worrying about whether Cruz is lying about Rubio , Rubio lying about Cruz, Trump lying about Rubio and Cruz, and Cruz and Rubio Lying about Trump. Who cares? They are politicians, but they are our politicians.
Compared to Benghazi and the Email treason HIL-LIAR-Y has foisted on us, these three "boys" should have their mouths washed out with soap. Get serious people. The enemy is inside the gate and that enemy is HIL-LIAR-Y and Bernie, nation destroying Socialists. Let's let Trump, Cruz and Rubio fight their fight, and then gather around the one who is still floating when Convention arrives. We don't have the luxury of pontificating about voting for Third Party as a protest vote. That is such a specious argument it is pitiful. Protest HIL-LIAR-Y and Bernie. Any one of these three GOPs still standing is a saint by comparison to those two crumbums.
Good men and women died on the fields of battle to secure the rights of voting for us, for you. Don't make a mockery of their sacrifice. With 27 years of military service, three tours in Vietnam,17 years of it on Combat Crew of one sort or another in the Cold War, I literally take it personally when I hear them talking of throwing away their vote as a protest.
I have a whole list of dear friends and comrades to arms who did not survive to come home, including family who died in the various wars. I've been to The Wall, the WWII Memorial,The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Monument of the Great War, and the Korean War Memorial. I am apalled to hear these witless reasons for not voting for someone who at least has a possibility of being a worthy Commander in Chief. I see the casual tossing away of that vote as no better than Hanoi John Kerry's grandiose action of years ago when he tossed his Vietnam War Medals over the wall at the Capitol. He then resurrected them when he ran for President. Isn't tossing away a viable vote just a reckless and meaningless?
Oh, they sound so poised and righteous, so self-justified and pompous--making their vote all about themselves, and not about America. I served under Carter and LBJ. They were terrible, but they were geniuses compared to Boobama; I'm thinking HIL-LIAR-Y and Sanders will be even worse than the Boob.
Pick up the flag, People! It has fallen! Yes, I'm just a patriotic ol' hick from the hollers of West Virginia, but I know patriotism, and it's not wasting a vote in protest when there's a choice that just might be better if elected than the Socialist scum who will benefit from that thrown-away vote.
Colonel Curtis D. Dale, PhD, USAF (Ret)
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Friday, February 26, 2016
Not voting, or voting third party
Thinking about voting third party if your candidate does not win the GOP nomination? Or not even voting at all? My friend Curt Dale has some thoughts on that subject:
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