Friday, February 26, 2016

A man who knows where his bread is being buttered

Jonathan Tobin writes in Commentary about the Christie endorsement of Trump:
...The alliance between the two will be analyzed over the coming days mostly in terms of their not dissimilar personalities. Unlike the businessman, Christie has a record of political accomplishment. But they share a truculent style in which abuse of critics and shouting down rivals is their preferred form of discourse.

...Just as he only spoke of himself rather than his party’s nominee when he gave the keynote address at the 2012 Republican National Convention, now, too, he is merely thinking of a chance to get ahead.

...That a pair of northeastern moderates should now be in position to seize control of a deeply conservative party with its base in the south and the west is a bizarre turn of events that no one could have predicted. Rubio and Cruz battered Trump and exposed him as an incoherent scandal-ridden demagogue out of touch with the views of most Republicans at Thursday night’s debate. But it’s not clear that will change many minds. It remains to be seen whether conservatives have a sufficient answer to Trump’s coup that will enable them to prevent Trump from sweeping to more victories next Tuesday.
Read more here.

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