Saturday, January 09, 2016

The Second Amendment is #1 for Freedom!

Guest post by Suzann Darnall:

I truly believe that all American rights and freedoms hang on the nail of liberty that is the Second Amendment. Without the right to bear arms people throughout history have become nothing more than slaves. Without the ability to protect themselves people soon become nothing more than victims. But, these truths can only be known by those who are willing to study history, accept reality, and learn the facts. Not exactly something most Progressives are willing to do!

The Second Amendment is not just about protection from violence, it is about protection from oppression. The oppression of an over-reaching government that is bent on taking away property, liberty, and even life. As has happened throughout history! Even within the borders of America it has happened that the right to own and bear arms has been stripped from various peoples at various times. Government is even now working overtime to restrict access to weapons and ammunition, as well as strip gun rights from particular groups of citizens.

The Second Amendment did not “grant” a right. It “codefied” a pre-existing right! The right to bear arms is not granted by the Constitution. The existence of that right does not depend upon the Constitution or Second Amendment. The Second Amendment is not about granting citizens a right, it is about restricting government in regards to that right. Citizens have a natural right of resistance and self-preservation to restrain the violence of oppression. Whether that oppression is by an individual or a government.

People have a right to self-defense. But, this is a right that is restricted and even essentially banned in many societies, even in this so-called modern and enlightened age. If you doubt this, just look to the rape and enslavement happening wherever ISIS is in power. See what is happening with rising crime statistics in countries that have banned citizens from owning guns. Even in America the murder rates are generally highest in the cities that have the most restrictive gun laws. Where law-abiding citizens have access to gun, criminals are, at the very least, more cautious.

I am in full support of the Second Amendment. For protection of my family, myself, my home, my property, and, perhaps most important of all, my liberty. For without liberty, nothing else can ever truly be mine!


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