Friday, January 01, 2016

It might not be so pretty this time

Who will win the Oscar for best movie of 2016? At PJ Media Roger L. Simon predicts it will be Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton is starting this drama by accusing the Donald of sexism. But Donald Trump always punches back twice as hard. Simon writes,
This is the woman who blamed her husband's affair with Monica Lewinsky on the "vast right-wing conspiracy," apparently imputing magical-mystical aphrodisiac powers to conservatives.

The Donald — you'll be surprised to hear if you've been living on Pluto — has been firing back, sweeping Mr. Hillary, now supposedly about to stump for his wife, into the fray.

"You look at whether it's Monica Lewinsky or Paula Jones or many of them," Trump said on NBC's TODAY. "That certainly will be fair game. Certainly if they play the woman's card with respect to me, that will be fair game."

In recent days, the GOP front-runner has been highlighting the former president's affair with intern Monica Lewinsky, saying that Bill Clinton has a pattern of "abuse of women."

Some, like Brent Budowsky over at The Hill, are warning Trump to keep his hands off our Bill:

When I was growing up in New York, I wanted to be a professional boxer, but was smart enough to know that if I entered the ring with Muhammad Ali — then heavyweight champion of the world — they'd have to bring out the smelling salts within seconds and the ambulance would soon arrive to cart me away on a stretcher!

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump should consider such thoughts as he ponders his plan to go mano a mano against Bill Clinton, the most popular living former president and the heavyweight champion of American politics today.

In the immortal words of the great Luigi Pirandello, "It Is So, If You Think So," Brent. Or "Right You Are, If You Think You Are."

In the real world of (soon-to-be) 2016, Bill may have met his match with The Donald. It's been many moons, roughly sixteen times twelve, since the yclept Bubba was in the White House and, yes, he has sorta been in the public eye, but not nearly on the level of Trump, and he doesn't have near the capability of commandeering the media the way Donald does. No one has. (When Ali attempted a comeback in 1980, he lost to Larry Holmes and then to the relatively-obscure Trevor Berbick. It wasn't pretty.)
Read more here.

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