Saturday, January 23, 2016

Empathobesity: PC lunacy

At the Unz Review Steve Sailor links to a BBC report about sexual assaults on about 80 women by over 1000 men of Arab and North African men in cologne, Germany on New Years Eve. Commenter Tark Marg had these thoughts:
Unless the causative factors behind this PC lunacy are clearly explained, it’ll be impossible to effectively counter it. Here is my attempt to do so.

As I see it, the West is suffering from a condition I’ll call empathobesity.

For a long time, an egalitarian, empathetic impulse was an asset in the West as it created an ever expanding educated and productive class of citizens by expanding political franchise from monarchs to lords to wealthy commoners to middle class men to all men to all adults, followed by welfare and universal healthcare etc.
To illustrate using the example of England, starting with the Magna Carta in 1215, we have the English civil war in 1642, the glorious revolution in 1688, Habeas Corpus, the reform acts of the 19th century, the representation of the people acts of the early 20th, feminism, Welfare, the sexual revolution, mass migration, gay rights, animal rights, transgender rights and so on.

Initially these steps have had a positive payoff as they expanded the class of educated people able to undertake scientific and industrial progress. This is why the scientific and industrial revolutions occurred in England where also we see the first diffusion of political power with the Magna Carta in 1215.

Over time, this empathetic, egalitarianist impulse has calcified into a dogma. Probably in the early to mid 20th century, this dogma has run into diminishing and even negative returns.

Thus, the extension of empathy to adherents of a hostile religion is likely to be a major drag, not gain, a point well proven by this incident. The mass importation of low skilled illegal immigrants will not enhance the economic welfare of the recipient nation.

The feminist movement initially increased the pool of educated workers, but by eschewing reproduction, have condemned the West to declining human and financial resources just as the mass of poorly educated and integrated aliens, especially in Europe, starts to spike.

Yet, like an obese person compelled by instinct to eat in excess, the West cannot shake off its pathological empathy (hence empathobesity).

I’ve made this argument in more detail at Please have a look and see if you find it convincing.

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