Saturday, December 05, 2015

Obama not happy at F.B.I. Director's "anti-Muslim" tone

DC Whispers reports that Obama and Jarrett are warning F.B.I. Director James Comey to avoid having an "anti-Muslim" tone in his public remarks.
If true, this is a scenario that appears to pit the Obama White House against FBI Director James Comey over what reports suggest is an increasingly divisive conflict between Mr. Obama and Mrs. Jarrett and federal law enforcement officials regarding feared pending ISIS terror threats inside of the United States.

Apparently Comey initially balked at the direct influence of the White House upon the operational freedoms FBI Directors are normally granted. This response initiated counter-measures by Valerie Jarrett herself who then dispatched Attorney General Loretta Lynch to the public briefing.

Lynch’s role is alleged to be the Obama White House’s watchdog over FBI Director Comey’s statements and subsequent response following the most recent Islamic terrorist attack. The impetus for this scenario is said to be two-fold:

**Mr. Obama and Ms. Jarrett are increasingly concerned over anti-Muslim rhetoric not only among the general population and politicians, but among federal, state, and local law enforcement officials who are increasingly concerned further threats to public safety might very well be imminent. They want this tone “corrected” immediately.

**Barack Obama is said to have asked during an earlier meeting regarding the San Bernardino terrorist attack how best they, “control the message on this.” Jarrett operatives have apparently already reached out to and continue to then remind supportive media figures to describe San Bernardino as a “shooting” and not connect it to Islamic terror.

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