Monday, December 07, 2015

How the state can destroy a family

The children in this family have been taken away from their parents in Norway. The parents have been accused of indoctrinating the children with Christian teachings. Fore xample, the parents have taught their children that God punishes sin. Please note that one of the children is a breastfeeding baby!

Samuel Smith reports at Christian Post,
...A petition has been launched by supporters urging the Norwegian government to release the children back to their parents. The petition, which has over 27,000 signatures, states that when the parents were interrogated, they were told that they couldn't publicly reveal their situation "so they wouldn't aggravate their case."

"They are just a normal Christian family trying to raise their children in the knowledge of God!" the petition reads. "There is no documented or otherwise abuse of any kind in this family!"

...A Facebook page was created to support the family and provides some insight into their case. Marius' brother, Daniel, posted on the page Wednesday that the social services investigation was prompted by a call from the principal of the daughters' school, who listed concerns about how the children were being raised, disciplined at home and the nature of the family's Christian faith.

Daniel explained that the principal cited how the parents, aunts, uncles and grandmother of the children believe that "God punishes sin."

Daniel, who is a pastor, added that when investigators interrogated the girls about their home life, they girls admitted that they hide some things from their parents because they fear being pulled by the ear or spanked. Daniel added that the girls explicitly told investigators that although they might fear punishment, they do not fear their parents.

"There are many cases of abuse in [families], and of course these cases should be punished, but it is an enormous responsibility to be able to discern when the abuse truly exists and when it doesn't, because by not discerning appropriately you can destroy a family," Daniel's post asserts. "From the legal documents received in Marius and Ruth's case, it is clear that there are no signs of physical abuse; but that the (older) children stated that they were being punished."

The parents appeared for a hearing last Friday in which their appeal against the Barnevernet's actions were rejected. However, the Facebook page reports the couple will be granted visitation rights to Ezekiel twice per week for two hours at a time, while Ruth will be allowed to see her other sons once a week. The parents were denied contact with their daughters.
Read more here.

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