Thursday, December 10, 2015

Confidence is no substitute for character

Scott Ott writes at PJ Media,
We’re suckers for swagger and hubris.

James Madison and other framers of the U.S. Constitution labored to construct a federal, republican government -- with separation of powers, and checks and balances -- precisely because they feared both monarchy and pure democracy. With the latter, they knew that the people are susceptible to a charismatic leader with a populist message. Both the demagogue and the monarch benefit from a commanding presence, undaunted courage, and bold speech. Both threaten individual liberty.

So, should a candidate with confidence raise a red flag in your mind?

No. Genuine confidence in one’s principles, vision and proven abilities is no character flaw. We shouldn’t scratch a candidate from the list merely because he/she projects it. But we should seek the character substance behind the confidence. Often this comes with a strong measure of humility. A man able to take an accurate measure of himself is rare. One able to frankly confess his limitations, rarer still.

All of this to say: presidential candidates are humans, and therefore, fallen creatures. Nevertheless, they’re also created in the image of God. They deserve our legitimate scrutiny, and they deserve our grace.

Lord, grant us the wisdom to discern good character, and the courage to act accordingly.
Read more here.

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