Monday, November 09, 2015

Some advice for the GOP candidates for tomorrow night

Ross Kaminsky has some good advice at for the Republican candidates who will be in tomorrow night's Fox Business debate:
There was value in putting the media in its place and reminding millions of Americans that there are truly massive double standards in how you are treated compared to how Democrats are treated.

But if you continue down that path on Tuesday night when being questioned by people as qualified and fair as Cavuto and Bartiromo, you will appear unprepared, unserious and unpresidential.

...We (voters who are likely to support a Republican in the general election) want to hear specifics from you: What are the key details of your plans for tax reform, health care reform, immigration reform, and whatever else the moderators ask you about? Why are your plans better than the next guy’s (or gal’s) plan? If contrasting with others, give an answer that addresses the other candidate’s plan, not their personality or face or hair or credit cards or childhood or famous last name or position on the stage.
Read more here.

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