Since the CNBC debate, the media, their allies in left-wing blogs and Hillary Clinton campaign surrogates masquerading as non-profits like Media Matters have all launched an aggressive attack on the Republican candidates. One might think it was revenge for calling out obvious media bias. One might think that in seeking that revenge they are also proving the GOP right. I wouldn’t argue with one if one thought one or both of those things, once or twice.Read more here.
The latest target on the media hit list is Senator Ted Cruz, who’s absolutely blistering assault on the CNBC moderators became practically legendary only minutes after he delivered it. But rather than attacking Cruz’s own history, the New York Times is going after his father’s history. From when he was under the thumb of the brutal dictator of an oppressed nation. Because classy.
...They admit that Cruz was indeed arrested and beaten by brutal dictator Fulgencio Batista, but then call into question if his resistance was really all that beating-worthy. In their eyes his beating barely rises to the level of story-worthy. So he got beaten for being part of the resistance, so what? He wasn’t all THAT resisty. Maybe the guards just had a bad day or someone stole their cigars, you know?
The rest of the article goes on in similar flaccid fashion, acknowledging that there might be others out there with more direct eyewitness accounts that support Cruz. But hey, what difference does that make? Just write the story anyway. It’s really just the headline that matters. Ted Cruz’s dad is a liar. Case closed.
The pathetic New York Times story is here.
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