Thursday, October 01, 2015

What the media did not publicize about Pope Francis

Did you know that Pope Francis had a covert meeting with Kentucky clerk Kim Davis last week, in which he presented her with two rosaries and urged her to stay strong and pray for him? Sarah Westwood reports at the Washington Examiner that the U.S. media is "crushed" that he would meet with Kim.

Austin Ruse reports at Breitbart that the meeting was initiated by the Pope, not Davis.

Jim Yardley and Laurie Goodstein report for the Washington Post that the meeting took place in Washington at the Vatican Embassy.
“I put my hand out and he reached and he grabbed it, and I hugged him and he hugged me,” Ms. Davis said Wednesday in an interview with ABC News. ‘Thank you for your courage.’”

“I had tears coming out of my eyes,” she said. “I’m just a nobody, so it was really humbling to think he would want to meet or know me.”

The Pope also met with the Little Sisters of the Poor, which was forced by provide abortifascients to their employees.

(Courtesy of The Little Sisters of the Poor)

Sarah Pulliam Bailey and Abby Ohlheiser report for the Washington Post,
The Little Sisters of the Poor, which operates homes for the elderly in cities across the country, has been in a battle with the Obama administration over the law’s requirement that they allow their insurers to offer free contraception coverage to employees. The Becket Fund senior counsel Mark Rienzi, lead attorney for the Little Sisters, who spoke with one of the nuns after the meeting, said the pope was at their home for about 15 minutes and shook hands and spoke with each one of them in their chapel.

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