Tuesday, October 06, 2015


David Greenfield writes at Front Page,
Even though Christopher Harper-Mercer, the Oregon killer, had a black mother who raised him, the media insisted that he was a “white supremacist”.

...But the very worst white supremacist of all may be Ben Carson; a black man who is running for president. Carson has been accused of courting the “white supremacist” vote. I’m not sure which white supremacists would vote for a black man. Maybe the extremely tolerant and open-minded kind.

...If you listen to the media, then the GOP presidential candidates slate, which includes a black man, two Latinos and an Indian-American, is the second coming of Adolf Hitler and George Wallace rolled into one. But real white supremacists are urged to stick to the Democratic ticket which has as much racial diversity as a Seattle Starbucks or a Decemberists concert crowd.

The current three top polling candidates are Carson, Trump and Rubio. It’s the most ruthlessly diverse top tier of presidential candidates in any major party in American history.

And that’s why the media has to roll out its counter-narrative. Even if it’s a counter-narrative that, like Mercer’s white supremacism, makes no actual sense to anyone with two brain cells to rub together.

...White supremacists do exist, but they have little legitimacy and less influence. The same however isn’t true for black supremacists, whether it’s Al Sharpton on MSNBC or #BlackLivesMatter in the streets.

Black supremacism is the reason why #BlackLivesMatter violently rejects #AllLivesMatter and insists on the racial exclusivity of its slogan instead. It’s hard to think of a clearer form of supremacism than the belief that the lives of members of your race matter more than those of everyone else.

... When Ben Carson questioned whether a Muslim who believes in Islamic law should be president, he was attacked as a bigot. Condemnations of Carson by CAIR were promoted by the media, even though CAIR is a Muslim Brotherhood organization. The Brotherhood’s motto is “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”

This motto also neatly encompasses the motive of every Muslim terrorist who killed Americans in the name of his supremacist creed.

White supremacism hasn’t been mainstream since the Democrats dominated the South. But black supremacism and Islamic supremacism are far too mainstream. When hate groups such as #BlackLivesMatter or CAIR dominate discussions of race and religion, that is supremacism.

...The left’s lens distorts Ben Carson, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio into white supremacists and Biden and Clinton into honorary minorities. Trump and Carson are George Wallace reborn, but Ta-Nehisi Coates’s claim that the 9/11 firefighters “were not human to me” merits a MacArthur genius grant.

The media can see supremacism in a blonde lock of Trump’s hair, but can’t see it in the violent racist rants of members of their own movement. Their magical racial wand can transform a black serial killer into a white supremacist, but finds nothing objectionable in the Islamization of America.
Read more here.

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