Thursday, October 08, 2015

Obama threatens to shut down defense spending if he does not get Congressional authority to close the Guantanamo Bay prison

Ben Shapiro writes at Breitbart,
On Monday, the Obama administration announced that President Obama would veto a defense authorization bill if it did not close down Guantanamo Bay.

...Obama’s strong stand on Gitmo underscores two vital points. First, President Obama does not fear defunding America’s national security. Second, Obama does not fear Republicans in Congress.

...He has long had a bug in his ear with regard to Gitmo, which he feels has strengthened terrorists’ feelings about the evils of the United States. Given his recent moves to parlay with the Cuban dictatorship as well, Obama may want to hand Gitmo in totality back to the Cuban government. The fact that Obama would be willing to dramatically cut America’s military funding, even as Russia takes over Ukraine and Syria, as Iran gears up for a big regional military push, as China continues its aggressive behavior in the South China Sea, demonstrates Obama’s top priority is doing leftist work, not protecting the United States.
Read more here.

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