Tuesday, September 08, 2015

What is school for?

To comply? To fit in? To be interchangeable people? To become consumers? Are our schools factories to indoctrinate kids into compliance?

If it's work, people try to figure out how to do less. If it's art, people try to figure out how to do more.

Now we have the internet. The child can go home and turn on the internet and learn from experts for free whatever they want to learn.

Open book, open note, all the time: no reason to memorize. You want to know? Google it!

Access to any course, any time, anywhere in the world, any time you want to take it!

Precise, focused education, instead of mass batch stuff. Cooperation, instead of isolation.

Teacher's role transformed to coach.

Lifelong work learning.

Work happening earlier in your life.

The death of the famous college, which has no relevance to success or happiness!

Go build something interesting, and ask, if you need help!

Myth one: Great performance in school leads to happiness and success.

Myth two: Great parents have kids who produce great performance in school.

Are we asking our kids to connect dots, or collect dots?

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