Any man with a T level over 3 is sickened by these displays of supplication in the men presuming to be his leader. Humans have a strong instinctual revulsion to being ruled over by sniveling curs.Read more here.
No CH reader should be surprised about Jabe’s choice of wife. The reason for that mismatch is clear, and it has nothing to do with Jabe’s looks, money, or status. Jabe didn’t choose Columba.
He settled for her.
Because he had to.
Because any babe who turns heads would feel Jabe’s betatude instantly. And it would repel her.
No-game-having Jabe Bush. There’s your 100 million dollar betaboy wundergaloot.
PS John Kasich’s answer to what he would preferred to be called by the secret service — “Unit 2” — is almost as sickeningly beta as Jabe’s sucking up to cool kid Trump. Beta male schlubs LOVE saying stuff like this: “I’m Unit 2 because as my wife constantly tells me, she’s Unit 1 in our marriage. haha aren’t I a funny charmer?” No you are not Kasich. You are a shell entity. And that’s why Trump has ten times the support from women that you do.
PPS This election cycle is turning into a clinic on the efficacy and truth of Game. It’s so very clarifying. I hope everyone is taking notes.
PPPS Before anyone asks, this is the sooper secret highly classified CH “alpha up” advice I would have given to Jabe if he ever finds himself in these situations that trigger his microbetaness.
“Jabe, you awkwardly towering lump of wet dough, if Trump sticks his hand out for a low high five, don’t promptly accept his invitation. Look at his hand for a beat, then make a fist and “fist bump” his palm while saying “rock”. Smirk like your life depended on it. And for fuck’s sake, don’t validate Trump by saying ‘that was a good one!’ You sound like such a toolbag when you say stuff like that.”
Thank you, that’ll be $100 million, payable in unmarked bills.
This blog is looking for wisdom, to have and to share. It is also looking for other rare character traits like good humor, courage, and honor. It is not an easy road, because all of us fall short. But God is love, forgiveness and grace. Those who believe in Him and repent of their sins have the promise of His Holy Spirit to guide us and show us the Way.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
That’ll be $100 million, payable in unmarked bills.
Chateau Heartiste opines that Jeb Bush and John Kasich are beta to the bone. He cites some examples: (referring to Jeb as "Jabe)
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