Wednesday, September 30, 2015


At The American Spectator Arnold Steinberg writes a long satirical piece imagining President Donald Trump's first news conference. The conference ends with this exchange:
Reporter: Now, about the future. You did not have a vice presidential running mate…

Trump: Because, obviously, I’m irreplaceable. The Democrats ran a candidate for vice president because they didn’t have confidence in their nominee.

Reporter: But what if something happens to you now?

Trump: Ask Melania. I am in better shape than anyone in Seal Team Six. And we’re not treating Navy Seal veterans properly. They sit for days in the same chair in the waiting room for an appointment with a doctor who doesn’t speak English. They want the American dream – to live in a Trump Tower and use the high-tech gym.

Reporter: And what do you want for your legacy?

Trump: I am rich, very rich. And smart, very smart. And a really nice person. People don’t realize that. But I want to be remembered for making America great again. I have written a will that clearly says to whom I am leaving the presidency.

Reporter: Thank you, Mr. President.
Read more here.

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