Saturday, September 05, 2015


Commenter Corvo writes at Chateau Heartiste,
It really is amazing, when you think about it, that the #1 worst flaw that makes otherwise attractive girls unattractive (and makes otherwise marginal girls hideous) is … fat.

And to not be fat, it simply requires refraining from doing something – to achieve the basic quality of not being fat, one simply has to eat less. Sure, working out will improve a girl’s looks, but to avoid the #1 flaw all a girl has to “do” is do less eating.

But the innate biological craving to eat is so strong that, combined with the crap food out there today, most girls cannot resist their subconscious drive toward fatville.

Commenter Patrick Yamamoto writes,

I’ve noticed a lot of fat ladies with tattoos and wondered, why? If she sat for hours under the needle in an effort to make herself more attractive, why didn’t she also cut back on food in order to make herself much, much more attractive?
It’s evidence that some women think tattoos make a difference to her attractiveness, and that good health does not.

[CH: because fat women value food more than they value love. the pleasures of food are more immediate and easier to obtain. love requires a bit of effort.]

1 comment:

talnik said...

wait...tattoos make women more attractive?