Saturday, September 12, 2015

A strange thing happened on the way to the coronation

Ed Morrisey writes at Hot Air,
A strange thing happened on the way to the coronation — people began looking for alternatives to Democratic nobility, such as it is. Until Hillary Clinton actually began running, no one of consequence appeared on the horizon to challenge her for the nomination, and so the power brokers lined up early to curry favor with the once and future Queen. Now that her weaknesses as a candidate have been exposed, again, those power brokers have more leeway to exercise leverage over Hillary. That’s why Big Labor has not rallied to Hillary’s side, and in fact may weigh in on behalf of one of her rivals unless she acts to secure their support:

...Hillary’s problems are not limited to the labor coalition within the Democratic Party. She’s failing miserably at generating enthusiasm among millennials, the demographic that produced much of the energy in the Barack Obama coalition.
Read more here.

1 comment:

  1. These damn ungrateful millennials!

    Don't they recognize royalty when they see it? So shut up and vote as you're told!
