Monday, August 03, 2015

Robot experiences life in the inner city

Have you heard about HitchBot the talking robot? He had been hitchhiking across Canada and two European countries, and here is what he planned to do in America:

Unfortunately, he decided to visit the city of brotherly love, Philadelphia. This is what's left of his decapitated body.

Friday night, it was picked up by two males who live in Philadelphia, according to their Twitter accounts.

“Thanks Philly!!! You freaking Killed @hitchBOT I’m so mad right now,” tweeted Jesse Wellens shortly after a selfie with his new robotic pal.

He and a friend tweeted they would drop it off about 1 a.m. at Elfreths Ally, a historic cobblestoned street 100 metres from the Delaware River in the heart of downtown Philadelphia. That was the last place HitchBOT was seen.
Read more here.

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