The Iranians made no concessions, only our side did, and we (especially the State Department) have lied continually to the American people about the extent of our concessions, most of which are hidden from view in side letters. But even if that weren’t so — and it is — the basics are clear. We have given Iran a pathway to a plutonium bomb while entirely gutting any possible inspections regime. We did this by abandoning the promised anytime/anywhere inspections for some bureaucratic mishmash that will take anywhere from 24 days to a year (depending on whom you ask) and by collapsing on the so-called PMDs (possible military dimensions) of Iran’s previous nuclear program, so there is no way to prove what is new and what is not in the first place. And to top it off, we have given the Iranians a signing bonus of 150 billion that, no doubt, will be used to finance either the Tehran branch of the Little Sisters of the Poor or another skillion mid-range missiles for Hezbollah. You decide.
Oh, and by the way, if we or someone else suspects the Iranians of cheating, the deal decrees that it is only the Iranians themselves who send us the putative evidence of their misdeeds. We don’t get to go there personally.
...But it gets worse. And excuse me for going off into the fever swamps of potential paranoia here, but what follows is the reason I wrote this article. I buried my lede deliberately because I have no evidence for it and because it’s so stupefyingly horrific that I can’t believe it, don’t want to believe it — and yet it rings true. I received email from a blogger I respect with information he received that alleges one of the secret letters is far more disturbing than anything disclosed so far. This document pledges to Iran that should Israel attack her nuclear facilities, the UN and the U.S. will defend Iran against Israel.
Do I believe this? All I can say is I wish I didn’t. If it’s true, my world will have changed yet again. Given everything that has happened, the way this deal has been set, it’s hard to disbelieve it.
This blog is looking for wisdom, to have and to share. It is also looking for other rare character traits like good humor, courage, and honor. It is not an easy road, because all of us fall short. But God is love, forgiveness and grace. Those who believe in Him and repent of their sins have the promise of His Holy Spirit to guide us and show us the Way.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Will the US defend Iran against Israel?
Roger L. Simon writes at PJ Media about the Iran deal:
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