The basic tenets of the liberal narrative include: Women are thriving in the workforce since being freed from the prison sentence that is the housewife’s life. Southerners are stupid, racist rednecks who are proud of slavery. Undocumented workers are hardworking people who love their families and are just coming here for a better life. Islam is a religion of peace; the extremists are only acting like that because we made them that way. Gender is a construct. Gays are madly in love and can’t wait to devote themselves to the bliss of matrimony. Blacks are struggling a little, yes, but that’s because “systemic” racism is “alive and well” today and cops are out to get them. The only problem with America these days is white men.Read more here.
Some women thrive at work. I find they’d be much happier at home shaping lives. They sweat the small stuff better than men. However, when we book the conference room and it’s Linda’s turn to contribute an idea, the guys inevitably have to sympathy-nod and say, “Yes, that could work” while pretending to write down her totally unfeasible idea. At home, the kids are with an immigrant nanny who doesn’t really get Western culture and has abandoned her own kids back in the Third World. Women say they’re empowered and wouldn’t want to have kids as they shovel so much affection on their dog, you worry they’re going to get married.
The South still has Southern belles and bucks tradition less than us Northerners. The media assume racism is included in these values but they’re wrong. Southerners are no more racist than the black people they’re accused of hating. They are the nicest people I’ve ever met and the only time I’ve seen one mad is when someone else crosses him. When your car breaks down in New York, you better have a charged phone because no strangers are going to help you out. In the South, having a broken-down car is like being in the Beatles. You’d need a riot hose to stave them off. They don’t want to keep the Confederate flag because they’re proud of slavery. They want to keep it because you said they can’t.
...Extremist Muslims pour into America while cringing with disgust at our culture. Their culture includes honor killings, throwing acid in your daughter’s face, molesting children, and tossing gays off of buildings. The only foreign policy gays, women, and children have is “Please don’t hurt me.” Muslims aren’t beheading people as a result of workplace violence. They’re doing it because the Koran says, “Smite ye above their necks”. Why are we pretending otherwise? Because of hate? It looks like hate-a-phobia is even more dangerous for gays than homophobia.
What’s more homophobic than saying you can’t be gay? When we give a boy hormone blockers so he won’t be traumatized by puberty, we’re telling him he must be a woman if he feels like one. No, he’s not. He’s a fag. You don’t cheer when a mentally ill ambisexual maims himself. You encourage him to find a boyfriend who will accept him for who he is. I know this because here in the city we see trannies every day. They’re not redefining gender. They’re spiraling toward suicide.
If you think the transgendered are normal and gays want to get married, you’re not going outside. Marriage has a lot of benefits for gays like getting your spouse’s health care and pension, but it also comes with a lot of work. “For better or for worse” means you can have some bad months, even bad years. Fortunately, you make it through those times because you want to be there for your children. Take kids out of the equation and add in people you want to fuck and monogamy is just not possible. Most gays concede this and have come up with new terms like “monogamish.” In other words, they’re redefining marriage. Unlike the pundits on TV such as Jon Stewart, I actually know gays. There are so many homos at my place upstate we call it a GAYted community. I’m also married to a fag hag so they regularly fill up my apartment in the city, too. They don’t want to get married. They want to party. The only ones screaming about equality are a handful of annoying nerds nobody gives a shit about (look at the guy who got Brendan Eich fired). Real homos aren’t tweeting about social justice. They’re in Paris, fornicating. LGBT isn’t an alliance. It’s a hodgepodge of outcasts who have absolutely nothing in common with one another. LG needs to cut BT loose. B is lying and T’s insane.
This week, a black professor at the University of Memphis was supposedly fired for saying the Charleston, S.C., shooting was the result of whites being “conditioned” from childhood to hate blacks. In the past she’d said she will “come for you” if you have “racist lies…in your head.” When this narrative gets wings, we see cops shot and the American flag burned. After the shooting, many feared a race riot would break out in South Carolina. I’ve been to Charleston many times and despite the population being about 50/50 black and white, it felt like the least racist city in the Union. Even hanging out at the “slave market” was charming. That’s what we saw after the shootings. They recognized that it wasn’t about guns or the flag or some other made-up narrative injected into the equation. They ignored the pundits and showed support for one another because they knew the reality of Charleston has very little to do with “systemic” racism. When we ignore the government and the pontificators, we thrive. When we refuse to let the authorities boss us around or mother us, we prosper. This is what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they wrote the Constitution. In short, the more honest America is, the better it does.
This blog is looking for wisdom, to have and to share. It is also looking for other rare character traits like good humor, courage, and honor. It is not an easy road, because all of us fall short. But God is love, forgiveness and grace. Those who believe in Him and repent of their sins have the promise of His Holy Spirit to guide us and show us the Way.
Wednesday, July 08, 2015
The only problem with America today
Gavin McInnes writes at Taki's Magazine,
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