Wednesday, July 08, 2015


Jennifer Dukes Lee writes a guest post at A Holy Experience today:
Each of us gets this one life; there’s a 100 percent chance of it ending. A grand forever is coming, thanks be to Jesus.

But will we have lived in the fullness of our salvation during our time on earth? Or will we have merely passed through, missing the joy of keeping company with God?

Maybe we need to remember that though we were wounded, we have been healed, and our scars are proof of a God redeeming all the broken things.

You aren’t the sum of your accomplishments — or the sum of your mistakes.

You are a miracle. Because you are a person.

Live free. Love well. Stand tall on the inside, even if you’re feeling weak on the outside.

You are a person, a citizen of the Kingdom of God. Live there, Kingdom Child — live where there is always enough, where there is abundant love, where there is unending grace for you.

And should we lose our way, let’s re-feel the scars, to remember what we’ve been saved from,

and what we’ve been saved for,

to live fully and freely in who we really are –

the imago dei.

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