Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Kicking Trump around

Allahpundit writes at Hot Air about the latest fallout on Donald Trump. The PGA has removed its Grand Slam of Golf event from Trump's Los Angeles golf course. A rich Republican donor named John Jordan wants to see candidates walk off the debate stage if Trump is allowed to participate. Lindsey Grahamnesty wants to add Trump to his list of candidates he wants to kick around.

Allahpundit writes,
Republican centrists hate Trump despite his own highly centrist record because they’re afraid he’s going to alienate Latinos from the party’s eventual nominee. In the short-term, though, Trump’s presence in the race is wonderful for establishmentarians: He’s siphoning off votes from more formidable grassroots favorites like Ted Cruz, who’s almost alone among GOP candidates right now in praising Trump in order to position himself as their fallback choice once Trump leaves the race. The longer Trump hangs around, the harder it is for Cruz to get traction. And the surest way to make sure that he hangs around is to insult him by refusing to give him a mic at the GOP debates. Maybe that’s Jordan’s play — build Trump up as the “true” anti-establishmentarian and watch as the tea partiers desert Cruz and Paul while Bush consolidates the center. Or maybe Jordan really is so goofy that he thinks kicking Trump out of the debates won’t backfire horribly.
Read more here.

I heard Ted Cruz on the Laura Ingraham show this morning. Although I don't think she meant to do it, Laura creamed Cruz on the subject of immigration.

1 comment:

  1. Trump is a liberal Democrat but it's fun to watch the Liberals and the mainstream republicans try to gin up their "outrage" over his comments. Which, by the way, weren't that outrageous.
