Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Judicial Watch getting closer to the truth on IRS and Benghazi scandals

Is any organization in America doing more to protect our freedom than Judicial Watch? Writing about their latest Freedom of Information Act lawsuit,
We now have information about an email that directly ties Hillary Clinton, for the first time, to the now-debunked Benghazi talking points used by then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to claim that the attack was the result of a “spontaneous protest” gone awry. The Obama State Department fessed up to the existence of this email in a federal court filing. Showing contempt for transparency, the Obama State Department is refusing to divulge the contents of the email, citing a discretionary “deliberative process” privilege.

The “transparent” Obama administration tells the court that the release of Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi email chain “could reasonably be expected to chill the frank deliberations that occur when senior staff are preparing points or other draft remarks for use by senior Department officials in addressing a matter of public controversy.” As I just told one media interviewer, I interpret this to mean “we can’t give out info about the Obama/Clinton Benghazi cover-up because doing so might scare future corrupt politicians from engaging in cover-ups.” (Recall that those now-debunked Benghazi talking points were used by Rice to claim that the attack was the result of a “spontaneous protest.” The Obama administration also sent false talking points about the attack to Congress.)
Read more at Judicial Watch here.

Ed Morrisey adds at Hot Air,
If the e-mails put Hillary Clinton in the chain of authority for the false talking points, it will make life a little tougher on the campaign trail … assuming the media bothers to ask about it. Hillary herself used the “YouTube video” hoax, most notoriously with the families of the deceased. If the e-mail chain discussed the problems in the talking points and the decision to use knowingly false or unlikely claims, that might be a little more of a game changer — but then we’d have to see the e-mails to know whether that’s the case.

The bigger point here is that we still have not seen a complete record of the events surrounding the attack on the consulate in Benghazi, let alone the failures and lack of preparation that led to it. The State Department is still stonewalling on information that falls clearly within the purview of Congress, if not the FOIA process. That should make it clear that the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton want everything but transparency on its failed Libya policies and handling.
Read more here.

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