Michael Bargo Jr. believes that the election results will be a wake up call for the DNC.
This election took place 30 years after Chicago’s Mayor Harold Washington issued an Executive Order declaring Chicago the first big city sanctuary for illegal immigration.Read more here.
Democrats have given Hispanics every entitlement government can give them. All they asked for in return is for Hispanics to support the Chicago Democrat machine candidates.
But in a stunning, unprecedented act of rebellion, Chicago Hispanics voted for their own mayoral candidate, Jesus Garcia. Garcia’s showing surprised the once all-powerful Democrat machine, a machine that has ruled Chicago politics for over eighty years.
Since 1985 Democrats have nurtured the Hispanic population of the city. They have bent over backwards to enable them to vote. In Illinois, the state passed a law stating that the matricula consular, a form of I.D. an immigrant obtains from his nation’s consulate, is as valid in the state as an official state I.D. Also Illinois, like many other states, passed a law stating that illegal immigrants may have a driver’s license. With these two forms of I.D.,Democrats expected Hispanics to follow the example of black voters before them and vote only for machine Democrats.
Thanks to the sanctuary policies promoted by Democrats, Hispanics will soon have the numbers to take over the Democrat machine of the city. For example, there are now about as many Hispanics in the city as white residents. And in the public school system 46% of the students are Hispanic, compared to 39% African-American and 9% white. And Mexican families, who make up the majority of illegal immigrants in Chicago, have twice as many children as white families. They tend to stay in the city and not move out to suburbs.
In order to secure Hispanic voter support Democrats have unwittingly empowered Hispanics with what has become a nationwide ground game. The players in this political network are the biggest contributors to national political campaigns. For example, while the SEIU is closely allied with the DNC, the Illinois Council of the two million member SEIU broke ranks and supported Garcia. One-fourth of the SEIU’s members are Hispanic immigrants. According to the Center for Responsive Politics the SEIU are the largest campaign contributor to any party, giving $220.6 million to political candidates, with 99% going to Democrats.
In Chicago and other big cities only the Hispanic portion of the public school children population is growing. This is also true nationally: while the national number of white and black school age children age 5-17 has barely increased, the Hispanic segment of the nation’s school age children has tripled since 1980.
Democrats may feel that Republicans are their greatest adversary, but they have far more to fear from the Hispanic infrastructure than from the GOP. This sea change in their party will all be accomplished by persons who were enabled to vote through the Democrats’ strategies of Constitutional corruption, mostly recently expanded by President Obama’s executive action on immigration reform.
At some point Democrats will have to fight this takeover. When Obama ran for president he was immunized from criticism because Democrats wanted to use his race as a shield. But they can’t criticize Garcia or other Hispanic candidates too much because then Hispanics may perceive that as racist.
It will be difficult for Democrats to suddenly ask for voter I.D. laws, since they have been so adamantly against them. And it’s difficult for them to complain that the southern border isn’t closed, since they are the ones who want it kept open to their potential voters.
Democrats have established the illegal Hispanic vote with the goal of enabling their party to maintain power throughout the 21st century. But apparently Democrats never imagined that the Hispanics would rise and take over the party. Fittingly, this has happened first in Chicago, the first official big sanctuary city. But in other big cities the Hispanic population is the only segment that is growing, and while Democrats have always played racial politics, for the first time this tactic has worked against them; as Hispanics, with the help of disgruntled African-Americans, have united behind one candidate and rebelled against machine control.
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