Tuesday, March 31, 2015


There's young Bill Clinton with Al Gore and Chuck Schumer proudly standing behind him, as he signed the Religious Freedom Act in 1993. Photo by National Archives
James Taranto reveals how the left has flipflopped and now opposes Indiana signing on to a religious freedom law similar to ones that had been signed by 19 states before Clinton signed it in 1994.
The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 was passed, with broad bipartisan support, by a Democratic Congress and signed enthusiastically by President Clinton. In 1998 the Illinois Senate passed the state’s own version of RFRA, 56-0, with Sen. Barack Obama not just present but voting “yes.” Connecticut had enacted a RFRA in June 1993, even before the federal government did. As the Washington Post reports, a total of 19 states passed RFRA laws before Indiana did, usually with little controversy.

Yet the left is enraged at Indiana. “Sad this new Indiana law can happen in America today,” tweets Hillary Clinton, Bill’s better half. “We shouldn’t discriminate against ppl bc of who they love.” The Hill reports that the White House—now occupied by that erstwhile Illinois state senator—“on Tuesday blasted Indiana’s religious freedom law.”

...the left’s hatred of RFRA is about preserving the authority of the cake police—government agencies determined to coerce bakeries, photo studios, florists and other small businesses to participate in same-sex weddings even if the owners have eccentric conscientious objections.
Read more here

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