Monday, February 23, 2015

Guiliani's plea

"Mr. President, wake up! Come off the golf course!" Here is the speech by Rudy Guiliani that has stirred so much controversy.

The terrorists are connected by two things: a common ideology, and funding by Iran. For the purpose of defending the slaughter and desecration of human beings. Iran looked into the weak eyes of President Jimmy Carter, then they released the hostages the minute Ronald Reagan put his hand on the Bible. "Now, once again, they are looking into the eyes of a weak president, begging for agreement with Iran at all costs." This is like playing poker with a guy who cheated you twice before!" Iran should not be allowed to have any form of nuclear power. Putin watched Obama and said I can take advantage of this man, because he is weak.

In part two Mr. Guiliani talks about 3,000 people (the MEK?) who are being held captive in Iraq by the Iraqis and Iranians. They layed down their arms and allowed the American military to defend them, as we granted them asylum status. I have not read about this situation, have you? Guiliani wants to bring them to America, or at least we should give them the arms to defend themselves. He says that if our president had any honor, that's what he would do. But Obama is so intent on making a deal with Iran, that he is leaving those people there as sitting ducks.

Guiliani pleads for us to stop Obama's "selling us out to Iran like Chamberlain did with Hitler."

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