Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Hillary's Deputy for Counter-Terrorism Arrested for Soliciting Sex from a Minor

James Rosen of Fox News has broken another story. This one is about Hillary Clinton's State Department official in charge of federal counterterrorism programs.
Fairfax County Police officials say Daniel Rosen was arrested by a county detective about noon at his Washington, D.C. home after he allegedly sought to arrange sex with a minor. The detective, a female officer working in the county's Child Exploitation Unit, had been posing as the minor in online exchanges with Rosen, police said.
Read more here.

Ace of Spades comments:
But Hillary will presumably not be asked if she supports her former deputy's trolling for underaged sex, just as they won't ask her that as regards her husband's.

Pedophile Island? What kind of country do we live in where a guy has taken multiple trips to Pedophile Island but apparently we can't wait to elect that guy's wife as president?
Read more here.

1 comment:

  1. Just remember. It's not wrong when the Democrats do it. They are our elite and as such deserve a few perks.
