Saturday, February 07, 2015

Exploiting the exalted status of grandmothers

hillary Clinton is now tweeting under this handle:
Matthew Continneti writes:
With #GrandmothersKnowBest, the nefarious strategy becomes clear: Exploit the exalted status of grandmothers to capture women voters and the emotions of anyone who has grandparents (i.e., all of us). If you still are not horrified, I remind you that the country faces the very real prospect of up to a decade more of this mindless treacle.

...Nevertheless, joining AARP and cashing a Social Security check does not grant an individual moral authority or omniscience or membership in a protected class. Sarah Palin is a grandmother. Does Hillary think she knows best, too?

A defensible statement about grandmothers is that some of them know more than some of us on occasion. To whom that statement applies is often a matter of subjective judgment. When the grandmother we are talking about is Hillary Clinton, she actually knows a great deal less than others, in my opinion, about how to restore America’s place in the world, improve economic growth, and modernize the welfare state.

...On some level, though, I suppose it is reasonable for Clinton to adopt the posture of grandmother to the nation. The Democratic party that she leads is aging and reactionary and backward-looking and spends much of its time preserving victories it won some time ago. What better protector of a sclerotic, desultory, confused, incompetent, decrepit welfare state than a rickety 67-year-old with health problems and a tin ear?

...Life is easier when she is there to take care of us.

Just don’t get too close to grandpa.
Read more here.

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