Islam is at war with the west, and we're doomed to lose if we can't even recognize that it's happening.
This week saw another terrorist atrocity (several, actually) committed in the name of Allah. As usual, our betters in the media fell all over themselves rushing to the nearest microphone to declare that there is no possible way that terrorists who identified as Muslim, who triumphantly shouted that they were avenging the prophet, could have anything whatsoever to do with Islam.
Why do our betters in the media do this? The blogger gives three reasons:
#1 It's a distraction. The left in this country frankly could care less what happens in the rest of the world. They are hell bent or turning this country into a collectivist Utopia, anything that distracts from that goal must be shut down. If the people are clamoring for protection from an external threat, they won't be clamoring for more "free" stuff, binding themselves ever more tightly to the grindstone of centralized government.Read more here.
#2 Islam and the left share many of the same goals. Both want to destroy western civilization and replace it with a totalitarian oligarchy. The left thinks that Islam is doing their work for them, so they are content to tolerate it. Where they are deluded is that they believe that after western civilization is laid in it's grave, THEN they'll be able to defeat militant Islam. They're absolutely insane, they'll fold like the dhimmi bastards that they are. An Islam triumphant over Europe will simply say BOO to a leftist secular US and they'll jizyah in their pants.
#3 They're cowards. They are. It takes courage to face down an enemy that has point blank stated that its goal is your submission or death, and it doesn't care which. Facing something like that down requires acknowledging that many, many people will die in the effort, not the least of whom will be some of their unique, special, invaluable selves. Dying for what you believe in? That's soooo red state, nothing for the enlightened to contemplate.
So what do we do? First, we have to call out the lie for what it is.
Second, we MUST, absolutely MUST, support those voices in the Muslim world that dare to speak out against the violence. Egypt's al-Sisi took an extremely courageous stand against violence recently. Everybody from the President to the Pope should be singing his praises and offering whatever support they can, but they're not, see #1 and #2 above. Israel is the lone Western nation that is bucking this trend.
Finally, we have to realize that we are going to have to kill a large number of militants.
Update: Well this is strange. After posting this I decided to go back and read the comments. The post no longer exists! I wanted to see if commenters would contrast the media coverage of France and Nigeria.
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