Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Blatant liberal bias of our news media

If you can read this report without getting angry, you are a better person than I. It was written three years ago by Warner Todd Houston. He lists fifty major stories that showed blatant liberal bias on the part of the news media. Go here if you want your blood to boil.

Update: Christopher Buckley writes this on his Facebook page:
As soon as the new Republican Congress is in place, watch for the coordinated shots coming from the late night shows, the Omedia, etc...

You'll see the same talking points, memes etc.: identify them quickly! And share the terms! They CANNOT THINK FOR THEMSELVES! IT IS ALWAYS A COORDINATED ACTION SO ALL THE LANGUAGE WILL BE THE SAME!

Share it with me and among yourselves when you identify it... We have them on the run now.

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