Saturday, November 15, 2014

Stop Chris Christie Now

Tom Tancredo is a controversial man. When he was in Congress he was known for his outspoken disapproval of illegal immigration, an issue that many Americans have now apparently come to agree with him on. He also spoke out against the threat of Islamic jihad. Later, he ran for governor in Colorado as a representative of something called the Conservative Party, after Republicans nominated a man who had no chance to win. That infuriated many Republicans in Colorado, who have not forgiven him.

One of the things Tancredo did was to come out strongly for Amendment 64, the bill legalizing marijuana in Colorado. He did it because he is for individual liberty. He is against the nanny state, whereby government leaders try to control individual freedoms. I voted against Amendment 64, and would do so again, because I believe drug dealers do not care about the danger to children of the widespread availability of edible marijuana that looks like candy.

Nevertheless, I respect Tancredo. His latest endeavor is to form a PAC called Stop Chris Christie I agree with him that Chris Christie is a bully. Here is a recent video showing him bullying a man who wants him to help families that lost their homes in Hurricane Sandy.

Here is the man Christie was bullying in the video above.

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