Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Although Colorado in recent years has been a blue state, there is one area that is solidly red: Colorado Springs. By a margin of 70 to 30, voters on November 4 there elected Republican Gordon "Dr. Chaps" Klingenschmitt, a man listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as the head of an LGBT hate group, the Pray in Jesus Name Project. Mark McVay writes:
According to SPLC's blog Hatewatch, Klingenschmitt is "best-known for his claims of casting demons out of LGBT people." Court-martialed by the Air Force in 2006 for disobeying an order and kicked out of the Navy for attending a political rally in front of the White House in March 2006 dressed in his Navy uniform (a violation of military regulations), Klingenschmitt "has claimed that gay people sexually abuse their own children and they should be discriminated against because they're not going to heaven and only people who go to heaven are entitled to equal treatment."

In his 2012 book, "The Demons of Barack H. Obama," Klingenschmitt claims to have uncovered no fewer than 50 demons ruling President Obama, including the dark spirits of "sexual abuse," "genocide," "paganism," "witchcraft" and "homosexual lust."
Read more here.

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