Sunday, August 17, 2014

What's our foreign policy in the Middle East?

Who is it we're fighting here? What do they want? We didn't refrain from saying "Nazi" to avoid upsetting German Americans. Bill Whittle goes on to make a point I have often thought about: How did Japan and Germany get to be two of our strongest allies? We utterly defeated them! But then we sent over Douglas MacArthur to dictate a constitution to enable Japanese to become baseball-loving Americans!

We lost the will to win the peace in Iraq, after we finally found the will to win the war! I have said this before, but this is Bill Whittle at his very best! The Koran tells them to hate us and kill us, but over a billion Muslims are ignoring that advice from the Koran. The Koran is a manual of conquest and slavery.

Oh yeah, and if ISIS is the junior varsity, what is the Obama Administration?

Thanks to Scott Ott

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