Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Nicola Tyrer writes about the changing shape of women:
Anatomically speaking, fat accumulates very easily around the waist. The wasp-waisted Twenties woman would be shocked at the dimensions of today's Amazon.
Read more here.

Not to be outdone, Chateau Heartiste comments:
Feminist concern trolls wonder why men are “dropping out” of the marriage market. Well, you don’t need a degree in human physiology to spot a blubbery, boner-killing trend.
Read more here.

From the Centers for Disease Control:
Measured average height, weight, and waist circumference for adults ages 20 years and over

Height (inches): 69.3
Weight (pounds): 195.5
Waist circumference (inches): 39.7
Height (inches): 63.8
Weight (pounds): 166.2
Waist circumference (inches): 37.5

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