Saturday, June 07, 2014

"Totally unethical, but it’s obviously not illegal, nor is it unique,”

Polls in Colorado show that the GOP primary race for governor is close. Former Congressman Tom Tancredo leads former Congressman Beauprez by only two points. Democrats think Tancredo would be easy to beat, so they are investing lots of money in t.v. ads to try to help Tancredo get the nomination!
Denver pollster Floyd Ciruli said the Democrats’ goal is “to get not only what they perceive as the weakest candidate against Hickenlooper, but also the candidate that could potentially in their view cause the most damage and be the easiest to attack.”

Complete Colorado reports that Protect Colorado Values has invested $89,000 in running the ads on one Denver television station alone, and has contracted to air the spots on another station.

“I personally believe it is totally unethical, but it’s obviously not illegal, nor is it unique,” said Mr. Ciruli

Read more here.

Tancredo has been an outspoken opponent of illegal immigration, and was a supporter of Amendment 64, which legalized recreational marijuana in Colorado. He has taken an unusual approach in the primaries, avoiding debates with the other three candidates, yet still managing to lead in the polls. You may remember that Tancredo ran for President in 2008, primarily against illegal immigration and terrorism. He famously suggested that if Islamic terrorists pull off a nuclear attack in America, we should consider bombing Mecca and other Muslim holy sites. Tancredo taught history in an Arvada, Colorado middle school before running for and being elected to the Colorado House of Representatives. Reagan appointed him Regional Director of the Department of Education in Denver in 1981, and he stayed in that position for eleven years.

Friend of mine who know Tancredo say he is affable, although one friend refuses to forgive him for running as the Constitutional party's candidate against the Republican and Democrat candidates for governor in 2010. One never knows what is going to come out of Tancredo's mouth. For example, in 2010 he proposed a "civics literacy test" for voting. He has been urging that Obama be impeached since at least 2010.

Wikipedia says that
Tancredo had also called for the abolition of the Congressional Black Caucus, the Democratic Congressional Hispanic Caucus and the Republican Congressional Hispanic Caucus. He said about these caucuses "It is utterly hypocritical for Congress to extol the virtues of a colorblind society while officially sanctioning caucuses that are based solely on race," and "If we are serious about achieving the goal of a colorblind society, Congress should lead by example and end these divisive, race-based caucuses."[101]
Please read more here.

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