Thursday, June 05, 2014

"Suck it up and salute"

James Taranto asks:
How in the world did an administration known for political competence, if for no other kind, manage to pull off such a public-relations disaster? The answer is that the left has a very large blind spot when it comes to military culture.

The Bergdahl deal, then, was a rare example of competent execution by this administration--albeit of a policy that was the product of atrocious judgment.

A report in Time Magazine: "Obama's move was an ultimate victory for those at the White House and the State Department who had previously argued the military should 'suck it up and salute,' says the official familiar with the debate."

According to Michael Hastings in a 2012 article in Rolling Stone Magazine, Bergdahl wrote in an email to his parents: "The horror that is america is disgusting."

Once again the left is being undone by its failure to comprehend the centrality of honor to military culture.
Read more here.

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