Monday, June 02, 2014


Guest post
By Curt Dale
The swap of the five worst terrorists in Guantanamo prison for a US Army deserter now takes the top rung for reasons Obama must be impeached before he totally dismantles every defense of the United States. When the father of the deserter, Sgt Bergdahl, stood beside Boob-ama at the White House, his opening words to America dedicated the White House to Allah in Arabic. It is quite clear that Sgt Bergdahl simply walked off the base in Afghanistan 5 years ago to support the Taliban's mission instead of doing his duty in the US Army.

In order to get the heat off his Administration (AND TO DO A MAJOR SERVICE TO THE MUSLIM TALIBAN TERRORISTS THAT OBAMA CONTINUES TO SUPPORT AND FREE FROM GUANTANAMO), Obama chose, without congressional approval to go against United States policy, negotiate with terrorists, and do a swap of the five very worst Taliban terrorist that we had in Guantanamo. The were the five terrorists who the Taliban most wanted free. Our own Department of Defense had said that THESE FIVE SHOULD NEVER BE RELEASED. But the almighty Boob-ama just decided to free them and send them home. This man in the Oval Office now commits treason with virtually every word he speaks and action he takes. How stupid are we to allow it to continue? Grossly, I maintain!

Meanwhile, Congress mounts a few mild protests, whimpers a few minutes and ultimately gives in to the boob's every treasonous whim. It is just one more step, continuing in the vein of Hillary Clinton's and Obama's treasonous abandonment of our people who were killed in Benghazi. Possibly even more reprehensible is Obama's use of this to suppress the VA Scandal of last week. He has used the deserter, Bergdahl, by placing him in a hero role, to dodge the abandonment of our Veterans by many of his appointees in the VA.

It's amazing that we can have one disgusting Scandal after another, all created by Obama and his Administrations/Czars, and yet the next week he creates even a worse one. I believe it is done purely to condition us. What was bad last week become more acceptable in the light of his more current scandal. We're the frogs in his gradually heating cauldron, too stupid to jump and too enchanted to croak.
Colonel Curtis D. Dale, PhD, USAF (Ret)

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