Friday, June 06, 2014

Apparently you can do this job from anywhere

I recommend subscribing to Jonah Goldberg's free newsletter, which he sends out on Fridays. I recently subscribed, and have been delighted to find that he has quite a sense of humor. For example, today he makes the point that President Obama's staff is reminiscent of Ron Bergundy's staff in the Anchorman movies:

Back to Goldberg:
This president, we are constantly told, gets his information about scandals in his own administration the same way we do: from the newspapers. This raises an interesting question: Why have an office in the White House? Apparently you can do this job from anywhere.

Maybe Obama needs to get a subscription to Rolling Stone? If he'd read this story from two years ago, he'd at least know that Bergdahl's case was like Norwegian weather in September: a lot of gray. In fairness, I don't want the president of the United States wasting his time reading that rag. But in the old days, someone in the White House would have read up on the guy. A pro would have said, "Hey, let's type Bowe Bergdahl into the Google machine and hit the 'I'm feeling lucky' button!" If they'd done that, they would have at least known not to say Bergdahl was captured on the "battlefield" and that he had served "with honor and distinction." On why this was outrageous see Ralph Peters. On why this was politically stupid, see the entry in the dictionary for "Duh."

Peters writes:
The president and Ms. Rice seem to think that the crime of desertion in wartime is kind of like skipping class.
Read more here.

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