Friday, May 23, 2014


For the past 48 hours, I've been hearing "VA REFORM" incessantly. I'm hearing it from Republicans, Democrats, and talking heads. It's the buzz word!

WHOA UP, PEOPLE! Just remember who is in the White House and who is in the Senate. There is nothing in the world that Obama and Harry Reid would rather do than TAKE THINGS AWAY FROM VETERANS. Is this the time we want to so see the VA system, such as it is, opened up for "REFORM"? I'm thinking that's the way we'll let the fox in the henhouse. If the door is opened, Republican's only control the House, and even a GOP Senate is not all that reliable under Boehner's leadership. He's just as liable to see big bucks he can filch out of the VA program and go for the cuts as the Dems in the Senate. After all, "reform" can be cuts just as easily as improvements. So, just because Obama, Shinseki and the big dogs in VA are in trouble isn't a reason for us to get all giddy and think, "Ah Ha! We have them by the ying yang and can get what we want. Nope. Remember that these people do not respond to shame and system failure as you and I might. What we see as failure of the VA system, for Obama and Shinseki, may very well meet the exact goal they have in mind. If the VA System is bad enough, might not the goal be to do away with it entirely and pull it into the BOOB-AM-CARE CIRCLE, SUBJECTING VETERANS TO THE SAME PROGRAM AS ALL THE OTHER PEASANTS?

You saw the lack of passion in Boob-ama's remarks of 2 days ago about the VA. HE DIDN'T EVEN REALLY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THERE IS A PROBLEM. He now has it being investigated to see if there is a problem. That investigation, to him, means seeing what the political fallout is for him if he does something as opposed to nothing. He's said he's "Madder'n Hell!" about this VA scandal. Well, so what's new. Wasn't that the same response in a half dozen other screw-ups he's presided over. What does it mean that he's "Madder'n Hell"? Is he mad because another of his failures got exposed? Or, is it because some veteran's actually died as a result of his Administration letting them go unattended.
Colonel Curtis D. Dale, PhD, USAF (Ret)

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