Tuesday, May 06, 2014

The State Department believed Benghazi was a terrorist attack

Bryan Preston reveals that Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) sought and obtained permission from the state Department to release the contents of a memo Congress has had since. The email is entitled "Libya update from Beth Jones."
Jones was then-Assistant Secretary of State to Hillary Clinton. According to the email, Jones spoke to Libya’s Ambassador at 9:45am on Sept. 12, 2012 following the attacks.

“When [the Libyan Ambassador] said his government suspected that former Qaddafi regime elements carried out the attacks, I told him the group that conducted the attacks—Ansar Al Sharia—is affiliated with Islamic extremists,” Jones reports in the email.

ones leaves no room for doubt in her email, which was copied to a number of officials including Victoria Nuland and Cheryl Mills. At that time, Mills was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff. Mills has spent much of her career working closely with Clinton, and is often described as a loyalist to her.

Jones’ assessment runs counter to the State Department’s statement on Benghazi, which was issued at 10:08 pm on September 11. That statement floated “inflammatory material posted on the Internet” as the cause of the attack. It was issued just a few minutes after President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Clinton spoke together by phone.
Please read more here.

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