Thursday, May 01, 2014

The fight is on in Colorado to repeal recreational marijuana

One local radio station, KNUS, has made some changes to its format, and I like it! In the early morning it has Pete Boyles, who is well read, and who has been a long time critic of our lax enforcement of our southern border. Following Pete is Dan Caplis, a trial lawyer who is leading an effort to repeal Colorado's recreational marijuana laws. Following Dan is Dennis Prager's nationally syndicated show. Following Dennis is Kelly and Company, featuring Steve Kelly and Bill Rogan. The Hugh Hewitt show follows Kelly and Company. During the nighttime hours Mark Levin, Michael Medved and Bill Bennett are featured. It is really a terrific lineup of highly intelligent people.

This morning I caught a few minutes of a great discussion between Dan Caplis and Pete Boyles. Boyles said he got hooked on alcohol at age thirteen. Caplis is leading the repeal of marijuana because he does not want that to happen to today's children in Colorado. I am with Caplis. He points out that today's marijuana contains 25 times the levels of THC that the marijuana of the 1960s contained.

I did not use tobacco, alcohol or marijuana as a kid. Why? Because neither of my parents used it, and I was involved in athletics. My parents showed me you could have fun in life without depending on any of those vices. I hope I have taught my own kids the same thing.

New legislation is now being proposed to keep employers from finding out about job applicants' drug arrest history. It looks like it will pass. Caplis's point is that the drug pushers see Colorado as fertile ground. Even the Colorado Symphony and the Denver Fair are featuring marijuana friendly programs.

The number of adults that have tried marijuana for the first time in Colorado has grown from one-third to one-half the adult population. There are new incidents daily of the ill effects of recreational marijuana use. I am going to get involved in the repeal efforts.

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